Portfolio Template


Build better portfolios with readymade templates and learn how to keep them updated through an email course.

Notion Templates

Notion is a free and flexible way to build your portfolio. It is easy to keep updated and we have some great templates for you to get started with.

What do you get?

✅ 2 Cover Images
✅ 4 Profile Images
✅ 4 Persona Images
✅ 4 Project Thumbnails

4 Week Email Course

We break down the entire portfolio process into 4 weeks with expert advice. The emails also serve as timely reminders to keep you on track.

Week 1 - Choose top projects, assemble the parts, and create the thumbnail

Week 2 - Create content for the case study (Part 1)

• Summary
• My Role
• Personas
• Wireframes + Sketches

Week 3 - Create content for the case study (Part 2)

• Visual Design
• Prototypes
• Solution
• Impact
• Testimonials
• Learning

Week 4 - Get feedback and iterate

Kavir Kaycee