Are you looking for a way to track your financial situation over a period of time? Do you want to maintain a healthy financial situation by keeping track of your assets and liabilities in one place?
Look no further than Notion's Net Worth tracker!
Our net worth tracker helps you track your financial situation and monitor your progress over time. It includes your net worth goals, total net worth growth, % of net worth goal achieved and a running total of the amount required to achieve your net worth to help you stay focussed.
Keep track of your financial situation in one central location.
Encourage savings habits to help increase your assets over time.
Look out for your spending habits that can dampen your financial situation over course of time.
Assess any growth or decline in net worth to meet your net worth goals.
Access your net worth tracker from any device, anywhere
Easy-to-use interface: An intuitive and easy-to-use interface. It is simple to add your assets and liabilities and allows automatic updates as they change.
Customizable categories: It's easy to customize your categories of assets (if required) allowing you to track various assets and liabilities in a way that makes sense for you. This tracker includes assets such as Cash, Bank, Investment, Land, and Other Assets and liabilities such as Credit cards, Car loans, Mortgages, and Other Liabilities.
Historical tracking: It allows you to see how your net worth has changed over time, thus the tracker provides historical tracking. This allows you to see your progress made over months during an entire year.
Goal setting: This helps you set financial goals and track your progress toward achieving them. It allows you to set goals and track your progress toward achieving them.
Visualization: An easy visualization in one central location helps you to assess your financial performance quite easily in due course of time.